Happy 1st Birthday Light Journeys!

Light Journeys has just turned 1!!! Yay! We wish to thank all those photographers who have submitted work and spread the word about the site. It’s been a thrilling year and we’ve had the pleasure and honour of featuring some of Australia’s most talented female artists.

After one year of  focusing only on Australian women, we have decided to open our submissions up to ALL women residing in Australia, regardless of their country of origin. Light Journeys will continue to accept submissions from Australian women living abroad. As Peter Allen said,  if you call Australia home, you are welcome to submit.


The Long, Hot Summer

Light Journeys is calling for submissions for a curated group exhibition on the theme of Summer, to be featured on the website in 2010. Deadline for submissions is March 1st 2010.

Summer Poems (working title)

The equinox has passed, the axis has tilted and the sun is above us once again.

The summer cycle, with its atmosphere and festivities and its warmth and glare, is etched into the Australian psyche as well as our photographic histories. Whether in Max Dupain’s sunbather or the bodysurfer on the cover of a ‘Day in the Life of Australia’, summer is an icon that is deeply revered. But what else can this particular time and space evoke that moves beyond images of surf, sand and blokes with their beer? How can we as artists re-imagine the nuances of this season? And what about the photographic experience – deep shadows and the vividness of our stone hard light – how does the searing quality of our sun influence our vision?

All women working in photography in Australia, including prior featured artists, are invited to submit 2-3 images exploring the theme. Images should be resized as follows:

72dpi, 1000 pixels wide, sRGB profiled. Please re-title your images to surname_firstname_number.jpg and send to submit@lightjourneys.net.au

Now pick up your cameras and start shooting. Another long hot Summer is here….

australia1from the series Where the Heart Is

Robyn Stacey at Stills Gallery

Robyn Stacey, our featured artist for September, is showing new work from her series Empire Line at Stills Gallery. The show opens on Saturday 26th September and runs through till 24th October.  There will be an artist talk on Saturday 10th October at 2pm.


Francesca Rosa at the Australian Centre for Photography

Francesca Rosa, our featured artist for August is now showing her series Interior Disaster at the Australian Centre for Photography in Paddington, Sydney. Exhibition dates are from 17th July to 22nd August, 2009.


Tamara Dean at the Charles Hewitt Gallery in Sydney

Our July featured artist Tamara Dean is showing her new series Ritualism at the Charles Hewitt Gallery in Sydney from 25th June to 14th July, 2009.


Georgia Metaxas – CCP Documentary Award Finalist

A big congratulations to Georgia Metaxas who has been selected as a finalist for the CCP Documentary Photography Award with her series Lower Your Ears which was recently featured on Light Journeys.


Light Journeys takes off!

Light Journeys has finally come to fruition and we are very excited to see it launched into cyberspace. Thanks to all those who submitted to our initial call for artists. There were many great works to select from and we are delighted to announce Melbourne based photographer Georgia Metaxas as our first exhibitor.

Submissions will now be open on an ongoing basis, so please continue to send in work as per the submission guidelines.