These images come from a series called Portraits/Photos which was completed in 2010 as part of my residency with the Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Most of the photos were taken in Canberra, I document my everyday life and that of my friends and family.

I think Canberra is a strange city, it’s so spread out and without a car it’s hard (or expensive) to get around. For a lot of the people I know, this means a lot of time is spent hanging out at people’s homes in the suburbs.

These are some of the photos I’ve taken during these times & I’m sure there are houses all over Canberra (and other towns & cities) where the same kinds of things are going on. Hopefully this means that people can relate to what they see in my photos.

I don’t like to stage photos, I like to take things as they happen and as I see them.


Erica is a Canberra-based photographer and recent graduate from the Australian Film, Television and Radio School in Sydney. She has previously studied Photography at the Australian National University in Canberra, graduating in 2005. Erica has had work in a number of shows, most recently in the ‘Canberra Low Life’ exhibition at the Queensland Centre for Photography and a Solo show at the Canberra Contemporary Art Space in 2010. More of Erica’s photos can be seen on her Flickr photostream.